Last night, as most of you know, it was snow time in Tennessee. Getting home from work was an ordeal. Luckily, I am the queen of alternate routes and managed to skate through with much less time than it took a lot of my friends to commute. Win! Next win came when I woke up knowing that no one expected me to come into work today. I called and spoke with my manager, who was also stuck at home, and secured my four-day-weekend. I suppose I could have used today to just lay around, but instead I was bitten by the productivity bug (as per usual). I did allow myself to sleep in obnoxiously late, but then I got up and got busy! I decided to peruse Pinterest/search engines for DIY spa treatments that involved ingredients I already had at home. I ended up making/executing five of them and thought I might supply/review them for you!
I have never been to a spa, had a facial, had a pedicure, had a massage--but I felt pretty relaxed and pampered just doing these things at home, so why worry about things I may never afford? I'd like to offer you the same simple luxuries.
All you need for this is a large hole in your garden! |
Don't actually dig a hole in your garden. haha. I did not experience the magic of mud today, but I did experience the magic of olive oil. All but two of the treatments I made today involved it in some capacity! I started with a hair mask, because it's got to stay in there for a little minute...
Restoring Hair Mask
- 2 Tablespoons Honey
- 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
- 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
What it is for: Damaged/dry hair. My hair is very coarse and tends to get split ends easily. I also had my hair dyed twice in the last three months because I'm trying to get back to blonde (If you're a natural blonde, I really don't recommend going dark...ever. haha). Bleach and hair stripper take their toll and my hair was feeling rough and looking frizzy.
Instructions: You can warm the honey in the microwave for a bit to help it blend better, but I didn't do that and it worked just fine. I just went ahead and mixed the mask in a pourable measuring cup to make it easier to put on my head! Anywho, stir up the ingredients, apply all of it all over your head, pin/pull your hair up, and leave it in for 30 minutes. I ended up having it in there for more like 45 because I was busy making/using the other treatments, but it didn't cause any problems to leave it in longer. Just jump in the shower and shampoo and condition normally when the time is up. But don't do that before you make the body scrub I'll also be including in this post!
Results: I will definitely use this recipe again. Not only does my hair feel much softer today, my natural curl really came out as it air-dried (instead of the blobby, uneven waves my hair likes to sport when damaged). If your hair is really rough/dry like mine, the key is to condition thoroughly after washing out the mask.
Works like a charm. |
I also applied Redken's Extreme Anti-Snap (a preferred product of mine, but not vital to achieving results with the mask) before brushing out my hair.
After applying the hair mask, I moved on to...
Dr. Oz's Teeth Whitening Treatment
- 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
- Juice from Half of a Lemon (about 1.5 Tablespoons)
What it is for: Whitening your teeth, duh! But seriously, it's like a WAY cheaper version of store-bought whiteners like strips and trays.
Instructions: Mix them up. Don't be freaked out when it initially gets a little fizzy. Using a cottonball, apply the mixture liberally to the teeth. Leave on for about a minute. Rinse, then brush teeth.
Results: My teeth were noticeably whiter right after I did it. I'll definitely do this once a week or so (if I can avoid my shameful laziness in the realm of self-care and beauty). It tasted a bit yucky, I'll admit. And Tom was a bit grossed out by me having the appearance of foaming at the mouth, so maybe lock the bathroom door when you do it. haha. Next time, I believe I will also try applying the mixture with Q-tips instead. It seems more practical. I also used lemon juice from concentrate, so I don't think it's a big deal if you don't have fresh lemons just randomly sitting at your house. Last but not least, you really don't need as much as the recipe makes for just yourself. Maybe for a shark's mouth, but not for yours. I'm going to try and cut it down to about a third of what I made today so as not to waste!
Thanks, Dr. Oz! |
Next, I tried the so-called "at home facial"...
Exfoliating Facial
- 1 Packet Plain Oatmeal (people say that's about 1/2 Cup, uncooked)
- 1 Teaspoon Honey
- 1 Teaspoon Olive Oil
What it is for: Um, exfoliation? The oatmeal acts as an exfoliator, the olive oil as a moisturizer, and the honey has dual roles in cleansing and moisturizing. Yeah, did you know honey is antibacterial?
Instructions: Cook the oatmeal with minimal water. You don't want to eat a big bowl of it, you just want to form it to a paste-like consistency. Add in the honey and olive oil, mix well. Use as a scrub, then rinse.
Results: My face did feel nice after doing this, but the mixture was awkward and goopy. Maybe if you used less oatmeal, it would be better? Once again, there were leftovers. I don't know if they keep or not, because I didn't have a container for them and ended up throwing them out. I probably won't use this mask again. Too sticky and messy.
I felt like this kid. |
Finally, I was ready to make the thing I was most excited about...
"Like Buttah" Body Scrub
- 1 Cup Raw Oats
- 1 Cup Brown Sugar
- 1 Cup Olive Oil
What it is for: Softening the skin through an artful combination of exfoliation and moisturizing.
Instructions: Mix the three ingredients well (preferably in a Mason jar or other reusable/storage container, because you'll probably have leftovers). Wash your body in the shower, then use this all over! Get a good scrub going, especially on your legs. If you want the extra perk of smoother legs, shave before applying the scrub.
Results: I love this scrub more than Linda Richman loves Barbara. And that's a lot. It made my skin feel so insanely soft. Earlier, Tom gave me a hug and was like woah! Now, I will caution you that you shouldn't do this if you're in some kind of hurry. You'll need to clean the oatmeal out of the bottom of the tub. But that's a fairly quick and easy task and the payoff is so absolutely worth it. It's like buttah! If you don't get that reference, first, rethink your life. Then, watch this:
Talk amongst yourselves. |
I got out of the shower, dried off, brushed my hair, slathered on some cocoa butter lotion, and decided it was time to relax. Ooh, here's a tip for IN the shower, though. Light yourself a few scented candles and play some classical music or jazz! It totally ups the game and makes you feel fancy.
Before I get to my last treatment, you may ask: Why put on lotion if the body scrub already made your skin so soft? Well, I was watching a comedian not too long ago. He was white and was talking about a date he had with a black girl. She was, according to him, 'constantly putting on lotion.' When he asked her why, she stated that it was to avoid looking ashy. She then preceded to show him, by scraping her nails down his chalky arm, that white people are ashy, too. He said he had an epiphany about why black people age so much more gracefully. They're actually hydrating their skin all the time while we're burning ours up and letting it wither. haha. So, every day, I've been putting lotion all over. I've got to keep my skin youthful if I want to be a cougar someday!
Oh yeah, just like that. |
Okay, the last thing is super easy and super relaxing.
Eye Rejuvenator
- 2 Green Tea Bags
- Water
- Mug/Teacup
What it is for: Calming eye puffiness/under-eye circles.
Instructions: Heat the water, obviously. Steep the two teabags. Once your tea has steeped, take the teabags out (letting them drip off a bit to avoid excess liquid going everywhere) and place them on your [closed] eyes. Lay back and relax until they lose warmth.
Results: My eyes felt rested and bright! I also felt energized, because I of course drank the green tea. Add citrus juice to it for extra protection from free-radicals (to the tea, not your eyes--ouch). An excellent end to today's DIY spa treatments.
So there you go--spend an hour or so giving yourself a "spa day" and reap all the rewards a little relaxation and a lot of self-care will afford you.